Fund of Funds

Fund of Funds

Fund of Funds are, as the name suggests, Funds that invest in other Funds.  They can provide investors with increased diversification than what may be possible when investing in Funds directly, and can deliver exposure to more strategies when compared to investing in just the one Fund.

Kensington utilizes the latest technology to effectively administer this type of fund for you. Our software has a “Fund of Funds” module which looks through the Funds and updates transactions automatically if the investee Fund’s NAV changes.

We are licensed by the Bermuda Monetary Authority (“BMA”) and are subject to their oversight.  The BMA has a very thorough licensing criteria and conducts regular on-site reviews of the entities that are under their supervision.  Our Fund Administration license, therefore, provides you with an additional layer of comfort.

Kensington strives to balance the needs of investors, timely delivery of accurate information, and the protection of its clients and investors while maintaining adherence to stringent due diligence procedures under AML/ATF legislation and KYC guidelines.

Contact us today to find out how we can administer your Fund.

Also, if yourFund is based in Bermuda then we can offer your company corporate services via our sister company Mayfair Corporate Services Ltd. ensuring that the day-to-day operations of your company are taken care of all under one roof.
